Friday, October 5, 2012

Red to Blue?!

I have to say, this article in the Statesman gave me a good chuckle.  First let me start off by saying....
Texas, a blue state? What a wonderful thought, but unfortunately about as likely as pigs flying. It is great to hear that more minorities are taking leadership positions and it does create a sense of hope among the Democratic Party, however, I am fairly certain it will take more than two Hispanic leaders to motivate two million people to register and participate in the election process. People need to believe that they have a voice and that they can truly make a difference. Hopefully, the Castro brothers will generate change and perhaps additional minority leaders will begin to take charge. When people start to actually feel the results of positive leadership role models, this is when they are typically motivated to reshape their thinking and are sometimes open to the idea that they might be able to contribute to their own continued success.

But the leap from red to blue is not going to take place in the near future. It is going to take multiple successful Democratic, minority leaders to continue to push the unregistered Hispanic citizens to get out their vote. Resources need to be put in place to continue to educate and assist people with understanding the value of their vote. Politics can be a tricky and confusing thing to manipulate and keep up to date with. Ongoing education about current propositions and laws that directly impact the citizens need to be routinely shared and explained. Having two positive and proactive Hispanic leaders is definitely a step in the right direction, but I wouldn't hold my breath!

How I see politics...

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